Sunday, 9 October 2011

U wanna meet me on Cp?!

So you guys who wanna meet me.. you wanna know how?
  1. Go to and get registered.
  2. Look for the registered name: Sooty67519 id: (286924462)
  3. be sure the person has the same id, if not its fake No one else has the same ID as me
  4. talk to me and say you wanna meet me. im not hard to persuade.
  5. i will say one of these: 1. Follow my blog. 2 Have a picture of you circled at one of my parties. 3... pay nothing to me

To be my Buddy on Cp
  • get 3 people to follow my blog, they have to tell me.
To work on my blog
  1. be kind to me
  2. dont post nasty comments
  3. follow my blog
  4. own your own blog
  5. reply to visitors

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