Friday, 15 April 2011

Norman Swarm Secret Room And Catalog Cheats!

Hey Norman Swarm is back at the stage and there is much to do.First go into the catalog there are no cheats Boo! So go to the the circles made with rocks with a few actors and someone dressed as a bug! this play is just right for cp lots of Bugs lol :) in the secret room  you will find the rare Quarts Pin im still opening the treasure so i cant get pics now lol no cheats in catalog so till next time!


kitty said...

this better be true...

sooty67519 said...

Hi Kitty yes this is true i got the Pin 5 mins later and the 102 buddies i do not know how to it did not look like cp made the change because it said. 102/100 buddies.
~Sooty :) Thank you for your comment!