Saturday 29 October 2011

Club Penguin - Warning

Hey Guys,

(This post was made for the users that use trainers.)

I made this post to warn you guys not to use any trainers! No matter what so ever! Because you will eventually get banned! For example Cp Blizzard just because Chrisdog93 made it people download it thinking it's safe because he's so famous! Under the download in small letters it says " ClubpenguinCp is not Responsible for any bans. " sometimes just because they're famous you think it's safe. You never know. When Penguin Storm came out like 75% downloaded it and 70% got hacked, and I believe that Microchip123 ( Creator and Founder of Penguin Storm) he got arrested for hacking users. I made this post to protect users. Please spread the word.



Nate1629_1 said...

That is horrible! Now I have stopped using clubpenguincp for safety reasons !

sooty67519 said...

Thanks For the comment Nate, Haha first in a while.
-Sooty6519 - Founder and owner of
Sooty67519 Cp cheats