Monday, 21 February 2011

sooty67519s mysterious story part one.

one day i was in the box dimmension and strolling i thought i could steal some of the orange puffles cookies lol so i ws walking and i saw a brown puffle.
I was shocked i did not know brown puffles knew how to get in she nudged my flipper i carried her out and asked whats ur name she  lolled her blue tounge and jumped out my flippers and bounced round my igloo to meet  new friend i called her chocolate but when i was watching her i saw an evil glipse look the my door knob i ran quickly to see what it was it was herbert!.I ran after him to see a secret base i ran quickly back to my igloo to see if my puffles were ok. i got home to see they were ok exept chocolate he gad been stolen by herbert when i was not looking.i ran back to his base only to find ten thousand brown puffles building the ultimate protobot..........

1 comment:

sooty67519 said...

part tow posted anothe r time